Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weinberger's Too Big To Know: Prologue and Chapter 1

In Weinberger's, Too Big To Know, he discusses the value of knowledge, and how in modern times that value has begun to disperse. In the past, information was used to make data more valuable, then knowledge came to make information more valuable. Weinberger states that knowledge is a treasure. In todays society I don't believe that knowledge holds the same respect that it once use to. Its not treasured and seen as sacred because everybody has the ease to obtain and borrow the knowledge. Everything we need to know is accessible through the internet, whether its information about the past, present or future, its all just a couple clicks away. Today we are all writers, we are all editors and we can all get the information we need not through interacting with others or reading a newspaper, but through the internet. The internet is the only thing that is able to hold all of the knowledge the world has to offer, its limitless. This knowledge through the internet is known as a 'network'. Networks enable knowledge to be spread, to grow over time and for individuals to collaborate with one another to create more.

To Weinberger, knowledge is something that ever growing and needs to be withheld in something that is boundary free, this why the internet is the only place where all of the knowledge we have can be and where the knowledge will continue to grow in. Weinberger also explains how in the past we had the urge to know knowledge and today we want to share knowledge. I agree with this statement in the past it was necessary for us to know information and today we want to share want we know or what we've seen on the internet. I personally see this a lot throughout the media. One example is on social media, specifically Facebook. On this cite people are able to share pictures, articles and other information that they feel has a value to them or another person. Knowledge is able to be passed on from one person to another with such ease, and since we are able to share this we can allow it to grow and morph into something else so easily.

Weinberger explains how times differ from the ways in which knowledge was produced, disseminated, altered, accessed, and applied. He states that in the past everything had to go through filters and only what was deemed necessary would get published. But today information doesn't get filtered out, it gets filtered forward, so we have what he calls 'knowledge overload'. We are able to maintain this overload a lot easier with access to the internet, the web provides a single space full of databases and cites for all of us to use in the convince of our home. Knowledge has also evolved through the different forms it comes in. Information used to be solely found in books and from others, but today knowledge is most accessed through the internet. Knowledge is continually changing and even just in my lifespan I've been able to see it. I'm curious to see how much technology continues to enhance throughout the rest of my life.

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