Sunday, February 8, 2015

The significance of the "Apology" quotes

1. “The unexamined life is not worth living.” 

The significance of this quote is to show the realization of life. The life a lot of us live now is just going through the steps, we don't take the time to appreciate it. In order for life to have meaning we have to examine the little things, we have to take the time out of our day to reflect and appreciate. If we don't take time time to do this whats the point of living? Theres more to life than just going through the same steps of everyday. 

2. “To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge.”

The significance of this quote is to realize that the only knowledge we have is that we don't know anything. What he means by this is that we accept information thats presented to us we don't question it we just accept it. So in reality when we THINK we truly know a lot about the world that surrounds us but we simply don't, it could be all fake researchers, experiments spoon feeding us information.

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